Find out more about our team in Austria & Germany as well as our culture
We are a team of dedicated professionals who are ready to do whatever it takes to bring water to people, animals and plants in remote areas of Africa and save lives.
Team Austria
Gaby Stuck – Representative
As the head of our family business, we have been successfully working on the construction of drinking water and service water systems in Europe for more than 20 years. In order for projects of Life Needs Water in Africa to be implemented in the long term and sustainably, we believe that education is the key to success.
As a Carinthian water ambassador, I actively support the implementation of our training projects by well – makers and photovoltaic specialists, giving young Africans a chance to WATER – LIFE – EDUCATION and WORK.
With this model, we can start the cycle out of poverty and give young people in Africa the chance of a self-determined life in their own country.
Hermine Kohlweg – Co-Representative
It is my personal concern as a LNW board member to actively make a contribution, so that people in countries with water scarcity will receive the access to clean drinking water.
I am honoured to be active for “Life needs Water” and very pleased that I can play a part with my specialist knowledge as botanist in the training project “Water & Food”. In the long term only young people with a high-standard professional training will be able to set up their own company and economically manage this.
Bruno Valent – Treasurer
Through my collaboration with LNW I would like to achieve that the significance and commitment to having drinking water is increased. Furthermore, the people in water abundant countries should be more conscious that drinking water needs to be protected by every individual.
As an accountant in our company “Kampitsch & Partner Tax Advisory Ltd” we are happy to be associated with LNW, and to accomplish free of charge all accounting and consultancy services. This service is our contribution to the positive implementation of well projects with which we help children in Africa to have access to clean drinking water.
Manfred Felsberger – Secretary
In our lives we take clean water for daily use for granted. Nearly 1 billion people on this earth have no direct access to clean drinking water. The people living in arid regions often have to walk for miles on arduous and dangerous stretches to obtain their daily water ration.
With “Life needs Water” I would like to contribute, so that drinking water projects are successfully implemented in these areas. I want to help and make it easier for these poor people to gain access to “potable” water.
Stv. Ing. Christian Grünwald – Co-Secretary
With my professional experience in the field of water management and hydrology I want to contribute usefully to the success of the association’s activities in the LNW-team.
As a board member I am committed to actively helping people living in water-scarce areas to allow them live a decent life. The focus of my volunteer work at LNW relates to the preparation of public funding proposals for the implementation of various drinking water projects in Africa and is therefore my personal contribution to the success at LNW.
Walter Kaiser – Secretary
As a specialist for accounting, I am glad to contribute my knowledge in the preparation of the annual reports and the LNW annual accounts. On my travels abroad, I personally got to know the water situation in low-water countries and realized how valuable the water resource is for people in developing countries.
It is therefore a special concern for me as a member of the Management Board at LNW e. V. to help people in water poor countries to access clean drinking water. With the construction of drinking water fountains in combination of education & work, our organization LNW Int. In Africa for many people the foundation stone to a better life.
Sabrina Grießer-Stuck – Office-Assistant
My name is Sabrina Grießer-Stuck, I am a bank employee, mother of a daughter and live with my husband and my daughter in Meiselding.
In addition to my part-time employment in the bank, I support the association, manage donations and am responsible for various office activities. In my free time I like to do a lot of things with my family and one of my hobbies is music, I’ve been playing clarinet since I was 10 years old and play in a music band.
I came to the association “Life needs Water” through my aunt Gabriele Stuck, she asked me if I would be interested in helping with projects for countries with water scarcity and now I have been working for the association since 2016. I enjoy the work and I am looking forward to continue supporting the association
Team Germany
Hans Sanktjohanser – 1. Chairman
Whilst on a trip to Cameroon for an LNW project, I personally got an impression of the prevailing water situation. I know now how important the work of “Life needs water” is for the people of countries with water scarcity.
The responsible use of resources and donations in the implementation of projects is for me as chairman of LNW a top priority. If I can assist anywhere then with both hands as I like helping actively with the well construction.
Basically, I am of the opinion that all of us here on this continent, everyone can and should make a small contribution to those whose basic requirements can not be satisfied, regardless of origin or religion.
Renate Pyrker – 2. Chairwoman
Water is the foundation of life, it is the basis for work and also for the LNW organisation who with their work in Africa “help people help themselves”.
For years I have been an Africa fan and as a regular visitor to Kenya and Tanzania, on our trips together with my husband Dieter Grunberger I could personally experience the population`s real needs, namely, water shortage and lack of good water quality.
There could`nt be a better feeling than to see their joy and euphoria seeing the first jet of water coming out of a new well.
Berend Lange – 1. Co-Chairman
Through my numerous years abroad I am very conscious of the need of drinking water in African countries. Consequently, I am very willing to be an honorary LNW member and to take on the translation work from German into English within the organization.
It is my personal wish to support and organise the association’s activities and with my knowledge as a translator & interpreter I`m at their disposal in a honorary capacity. With my contribution, for me it`s possible, to improve the world a little bit.
Tobias Lauer – 2. Co-Chairman
My job is electrical engineer, I work as a project manager in a world-renowned photovoltaic group in the field of energy produced from the solar power.
As an expert of Solar & Photovoltaic energy I am willing to share my professional knowledge to young trainees in the LNW-Education project, so that young people in Africa get the chance to get to know this new technology. With my contribution the participants are taught how to use the power of the sun to generate electricity.
Dieter Grünberger – 3. Co-Chairman
I just want to work together with my wife Renate Pyrker to improve these unbelievable living circumstances and with our joint contribution help people to help themselves.
In our affluent countries with the numerous activities we want to assist the initiator of “Life needs water”, Gabriele Stuck, encouraging people in our abundant water region, to join in and to help to make the lives of people in the arid regions worth living. Together we can do it!
Annika Großhans – Secretary
In 2013 I was in Tanzania for the first time as a volunteer and worked in an orphanage. I personally experienced the conditions caused by a poor drinking water supply. It goes without saying that as a board member, and as a student of AGRA science I use my acquired knowledge and participate actively in the positive implementation of LNW well projects.
In Africa there is, especially in the country, a large demand for well drillings to supply drinking water. Therefore I am personally willing with LNW to assist in the implementation of drinking water and irrigation systems, and thus improve the lives of many people.